Challenge Campos Photoshop Workshop

A couple of months ago I was challenged, and as I love a really good challenge I couldn’t refuse, but I’ll explain.Untitled_HDR2
The challenge was that attendees to my workshop would bring their own raw files and I would process them according to what I could visualize as a final result, well, it may not be much of a challenge, but I had to leave the room, where the images for mr to work were being selected, so the first time I actually saw the images was when I opened the folders, and to top all of that I had images that I had to process in 20 minutes, other images in 15 minutes and others in 10 minutes.
The point of this workshop was, so people would see how fast a Raw image can be processed and also see the advantages of shooting raw.
I went through the entire process and while processing I was explaining the tools I was using and I was answering questions at the end of every photo.

It was a great day and I met “old” friends and made new ones, and at the end of the event I got a great feedback, which for me is very important.


Thanks to everyone that attended, hope to see you soon
