Exploring a location

Hi everyone and Happy New Year.
This year I decided to challenge myself in a 365 project, but to make me think even harder I want to create a different theme every month, and this month I decided to do night(and a few sunsets) photography.
Sounds easy enough, but I have to think about different weather conditions, so if its raining its not great to go outside and take some photos, but I don’t give up that easily 🙂
I walk past this location many times and as you can see for yourself its not a special location…blog
At Spring at least there are a few leaves on the trees that could make a more pleasing image, however on Winter, its not the best location as you can see.
So on the 13th of January it was raining, and of course I didn’t want to “cheat”, so I went out anyway.
I had in mind this location as I could have my camera and tripod setup under a bridge, so I would be nice and dry, and so my camera equipment.I knew that there were some lights from the street on the left of the frame, also that some of the buildings on the background would have some light, so I knew that I could create a nice and pleasing image.
So as I shoot my night photos all brackets I started shooting, until…The weather got worse, but I was happy as I had enough shots to create the image I had in my mind.
And here is the final result
Before the Rain
So why am I telling you all of this?
Sometimes you look at something and you don’t see the potential, so explore the location, try to visualize the opportunity of creating a nice image, even at locations that may look vulgar, you can get great results.

I hope that with this Blog post I can inspire you to look for opportunities, even if it doesn’t look like it  at first.

I also include this tutorial on how I processed the images

Have fun and Happy Shooting
